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On the form you need to write your full name, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, full Bulgarian address (must incude the street and number), date of arrival, reason for eligibility for residency (mine was self supporting), contact telephone number, how long you intend staying (for the first one you can only put 5 years), both parents' names, dates of birth and nationalities (if they are deceased, write this next to their details).  You then pay for the card.  I chose the express service meaning it would be ready in three days.  In August 2012 this cost 38 levs.  I was then given another form with my details on and I had to circle 'true' next to each line to confirm and then sign it.  After this I was taken into a little room to have my photo done and to give a sample signature.  I was given a white card which stated 'Long Term Residency Certificate' and a little slip with a number on it for collecting the Lichna Card in three days.  When I returned in three days time I handed over the little slip and was presented with my card which has my picture, address, validity dates and number. Although the photo card is an optional extra, it is the one officials tend to want to see, so make sure you opt for one. The white card is the important one so don't lose it!


Once you have resided in Bulgaria for 5 years you are then eligible for permanent residency. To obtain this you need to go back to the immigration office and ask for the permanent residency form - 'заявление за постоянно пребиваване'. (Click here and scroll down to second to last blue 'doc'.  This is the application form). Be aware that you will need to fill out your parents details even if they are deceased. Take the completed form along a couple of months before the expiry of your current lichna card.

You will also need photocopies of your passport, house deeds, and both parts of your current lichna card, as well as the originals of your passport and lichna card. I also handed over my receipt from paying into the health care system but I don't think that was essential. You then pay for processing (39 levs for a quick 3 day service in August 2017). I was then told to return the next day to receive my white card and to have my photo taken for the photo ID card.

When I returned the second day I was given a pre-printed form to check all my details. Basically you tick 'вярно' on each line to say it's true (unless there are errors). At the bottom I had to write what level in education I had reached, add my phone number and then date and sign.

You now have your photo taken (and re-taken if you can't face living with the first attempt for the next 10 years) and are given a slip of paper with which to return in 3 days to collect your card.

When you return in three days time you hand over the slip of paper plus both parts of your old lichna card and then you receive your new photo ID.


The immigration office is on the right hand side of the police station in Gabrovo, and you need to go to the window in the far left corner of the room (it says ЧУЖДЕНЦИ on the window - foreigners).  The police station is on the same road as the Billa supermarket but more towards the town centre (the police cars parked outside are a giveaway). 

Make sure you get the form for a long term card and not a permanent one. (Click here, scroll down the page and select the final blue 'doc'. This is a copy of the form. You will need to hand over copies of: Passport, Notary Deeds, EHIC card/proof of health insurance, letter from the bank confirming you have at least 1000 euros or equivalent.  (You may need to order this in advance from your bank).


If you are planning on living in Bulgaria you can apply for a residency card (Lichna card). This is an ID card which all Bulgarians over the age of 14 must carry at all times.  Your first card is one for long term residency.  This is valid for 5 years.  After that you are eligible to apply for permanent residency and will only renew your card every 10 years.  

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