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Here are some links to useful sites if you want to try and learn some Bulgarian, whether it's just a few basic phrases or the beginning of a journey to complete fluency. Your efforts will be hugely appreciated by Bulgarians, and possibly a source of great amusement, like the time I told a bemused neighbour I was growing 'kisses' in my garden, having mixed up the words for kiss and pumpkin!

If you are a complete beginner then I would suggest you start by learning the Cyrillic alphabet and some simple common words: Yes, no, hello, goodbye, numbers 1-10 and so on.  At first I found it hard to pronounce words of more than two syllables and had to listen to them over and over, but as you get accustomed to the sounds you'll find that this gets a LOT easier.  Bulgarian is in fact a very easy language to read, as everything is pronounced exactly as it is spelled. 

If you want to get beyond simple words and phrases, then you will need to have some basic grammar knowledge.  Although I speak English fluently I was unfamiliar with many of the grammatical terms for the sentence constructions I use so easily.  You may need to find out what things like direct object, pronouns, tenses and so on are, if you are to study the language properly.  Fortunately there are literally thousands of sites with information and examples of English grammar to help. 


The 'demo' section has free sample lessons (with audio) covering the alphabet and greetings.


A selection of videos teaching basics such as the alphabet, numbers, greetings, fruits.


More videos covering topics from the alphabet through to vocabulary lists through to basic grammar.

MEMRISE Lots of sets of vocabulary from general topics such as the most commonly used words, to specific topics e.g. food.  You are introduced to the words and then tested on them by various recall activities. This site is good as it then focuses on the words you get wrong and reminds you of them more often.

The following resources are helpful for studying the language in more detail, and for getting to grips with things like sentence construction, verb tenses, adjectives and so on. I know, it all sounds horribly like being back at school, but if you intend taking your language skills beyond the basics of 'Hello' and 'How much is...' then you need to take this step. Trust me, it isn't so bad once you get started!

ELEMENTARY BULGARIAN GRAMMAR  Explains all the most important aspects of grammar with examples. (Click on download pdf)

УЧЕТЕ БЪЛГАРСКИ Facebook group with lessons, vocabulary, audio and video clips posted at all levels from learning simple words to indepth grammar.

BULGARIANPOD101 You can sign up for free, and access a huge number of lessons. Each has a video clip using the new vocabulary and explaining its usage. If you pay to join then you can also access printouts, quizzes, flashcards etc.

Books and self-study websites can only take you so far and do have their limitations.  The phrases they teach may be very formal rather than the everyday language Joe Public uses.  I therefore recommend spending a little money on lessons with a qualified Bulgarian tutor. You will have your learning tailor made to meet your needs and will get used to hearing the language spoken at a more realistic pace.  And let's face it, speaking to someone for real is a lot more fun than sitting ploughing through a pile of books.

MASTYLO SCHOOL is based in Plovdiv and provides lessons via Skype or in their classroom.  I cannot recommend them highly enough.  Having done a lot of studying from books, CDs and the internet, I had a reasonable basic vocabulary and some understanding of grammar, and yet when in Bulgaria I found it near impossible to understand what was being said to me as I just wasn't used to hearing things said at normal speed and probably with a good smattering of slang.

From the beginning, my tutor, Boris Angelov, conducted the lessons in Bulgarian as much as possible and gradually encouraged me to speak freely.  This has not only developed my knowledge of the language but has given me the confidence to interact with Bulgarians around me. I'll never get tired of the look of delight on someone's face when I use a quirky phrase or slang. (Something Google Translate has yet to master!)

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